Sunday, October 17, 2010

Justin Bieber Under Investigation For Assault

Justin Bieber is being investigated for an assault by Canadian authorities. The investigation seems like a total waste of time, at least if a staffer from the facility is telling the truth.

Some 12 year old and his father are claiming that Bieber assaulted his son during a game of taser tag.

Supposedly, this is how it went down. This is according to the account of laser tag staffer. He was cornered by a group of boys during the game. In an effort to get away he ran away and accidentally hit the kid. The boy had no visible injuries. The boy’s father called in the complaint.

The Richmond, British Columbia police are investigating the incident. Again, it seems like much ado about nothing. Perhaps this is a case of someone looking to make a little bit, or a lot, of money by making a bogus claim.

Hopefully, everything gets dropped and Bieber considers this a lesson learned. There are people, actually opportunist, out there looking for a pay day, so beware!

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