Monday, October 4, 2010

George Michael 'protected by fellow inmate'

George Michael is reportedly being protected in prison by a fellow inmate.

According to the Sunday Mirror, Robert Bleach took the singer under his wing and has warned the other prisoners not to attack him.

Michael is said to be considering hiring Bleach as his personal bodyguard once he is released.

A source said: "When Michael landed here from Pentonville he was terrified. He was shuffling around, scared to look anyone in the eye. All the other inmates knew who he was and a few of them started to give him stick. But luckily for him he was put on Bleach’s wing.

"Robbie's obviously got a past and he's one of the hardest men you're going to meet but he's got a real sense of honour and pathologically hates bullies. He took a liking to Michael instantly and told him that if anyone messed with him then he could use his name to get them to back off.

"Word soon got round that they had an understanding and now no-one would dare mess with Michael. He walks round with his head held high and isn’t scared of anyone. They’ve hit it off so well that George has talked to him about coming to work for him on the outside."

The star is currently serving an eight-week sentence after crashing his car while under the influence of cannabis.

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