Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rancic 'recalls first Valentine's Day'

Giuliana Rancic has revealed the details behind her first Valentine's Day with husband Bill.

The couple - who married in 2007 - shared a romantic evening shortly after beginning their relationship at a Chicago hotel, where Bill gave Giuliana a gift that they continue to consider their "little secret" to this day.

"Bill got a suite at the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago and snuck a tiny box into my pyjamas, so as I was putting them on, the box fell out," she told PopEater.

"Inside was a diamond heart necklace with a sweet inscription on the back."

Giuliana said that the pair have not shared what was written on the jewellery with anyone else.

Asked her plans for this year's holiday, she said: "Bill is cooking me dinner. I hate giving backrubs, but he's obsessed with them.

"[We like to] be spontaneous and spice it up. It's also about taking time to connect with each other and not taking each other for granted."

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