Saturday, December 4, 2010

Prisoners 'in awe of George Michael'

George Michael signed autographs and appeared "relaxed and composed" during his recent prison stretch, a fellow inmate has claimed.

According to The Sun, Wandsworth convict Sahodree bragged to jail newspaper Inside Time that he had come face to face with the singer during the four weeks he spent behind bars on a DUI charge.

"When George [first] came by the food server he looked anxious," Sahodree recalled. "My colleagues were in awe of him and speechless, but I approached George and to reassure him I said 'George, my wife is your biggest fan'. He told me to say 'Hi' to her.

"The next day when George came to the server he looked more relaxed and composed. He was very polite and pleasant."

Michael was originally handed an eight-week sentence in September after crashing his car through a shop window while high on cannabis, but received an early release on October 13.

Fergie preparing for motherhood?

Fergie has revealed that she is planning to cut down on her work before becoming a mother.
The Black Eyed Peas singer admitted that from next year she plans to be "very selective" with her career.

When asked if she plans to bring her children with her on tour like singer Sarah McLachlan, Fergie replied to HollyBaby: "I'm trying to slow down on the touring, that's the plan for next year, just being selective - only big things.

"I've been touring for eight years straight on and off, so it's time. I need some balance time."

The 35-year-old added that she believes her husband Josh Duhamel will make a good father.

She explained: "He'd make an amazing father. He's great with kids. I mean he can pick 'em up and swing them around. He was around kids all his life so he's going to help me because I wasn’t around young, infant babies.

"He knows how to change a diaper. He knows how to do everything, so I'm the luckiest wife."

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